Integrity API Documentation

This document is the documentation for Integrity integration.

General information


The API URL is https://[your-account-subdomain] and all the request URLs must be appended to this URL. For example to get a Call Center list make a GET request to

NB! Always use HTTPS as the protocol.

Request headers

With every request you must set the following Authorization and Content-Type headers:

  • Authorization: Token token="your API key"
  • Content-Type: application/json

Response codes

Response code Returned when
200 OK Successful GET request
201 Created Resource has been successfully created
204 No Content Resource has been successfully updated
400 Bad Request Request is erroneous (e.g a required parameter was not provided)
401 Unauthorized Failed API authorization
402 Payment Required API access is disabled for the Account or failed resource creation due to Account reaching a plan limit (e.g User limit)
403 Forbidden No access to a resource (e.g makes a User list request but has no User list permission)
404 Not Found Requested resource was not found
422 Unprocessable Entity Request was valid but failed because of validation errors (e.g the request tried to update a Ticket with invalid data)

Other things to keep in mind

  • When a parameter is required, it is marked as "REQUIRED FIELD". All other fields are optional.

  • Request parameters must be encoded in UTF-8.

Call Centers

Retrieving information about Account Call Centers

Thing Value
URL /call_centers
Method GET
Response List of Call Centers

Example response:

    "id": 123,
    "name": "Georgia 811",
    "state": "Georgia",
    "enabled": true,
    "service_areas": [
    "facilities": ["Gas", "Water"],
    "response_codes": [
        "code": "1A",
        "description": "Marked.",
        "ticket_types": null
        "code": "1B",
        "description": "Marked: High profile utility in conflict.",
        "ticket_types": null
        "code": "10A",
        "description": "Large Projects: Meeting Date/Time Accepted.",
        "ticket_types": ['Large Project']

Custom Fields

Retrieving information about Account Custom Fields

Thing Value
URL /custom_fields
Method GET
Response List of Custom Fields

Custom Fields without a Call Center are common fields that are fields for all Tickets. Custom Fields with a Call Center are meant to be used only on a Ticket of the same Call Center.

Example response:

    "id": 1,
    "type_id": 7,
    "name": "Site visit",
    "required": false,
    "call_center": null,
    "position": 0
    "id": 9,
    "type_id": 8,
    "name": "Select something",
    "required": true,
    "call_center": {
      "id": 123,
      "name": "Georgia 811"
    "position": 1,
    "options": [
        "id": 1243,
        "name": "Option 1"

Field types:

  1. Single line string
  2. Multi line text
  3. URL
  4. Integer
  5. Float
  6. Date
  7. Boolean
  8. Dropdown
  9. Cascading dropdown
  10. Multiselect dropdown
  11. Cascading multiselect dropdown


Retrieving one Ticket

Thing Value
URL by Ticket ID /tickets/by_center/:call_center_id/by_number/:number
Method GET
Response Ticket

Example response:

  "id": 8915,
  "ticket_number": "06191-285-085",
  "reference_ticket_number": "06191-281-082",
  "version_number": 0,
  "sequence_number": 84,
  "ticket_type": "Normal",
  "ticket_action": "NEW",
  "ticket_source": null,
  "service_area": "EXMPL01",
  "additional_service_areas": ["EXMPL02", "FOR02", "ATL03"],
  "status": "assigned",
  "created_at": "2016-06-29T15:29:36.947Z",
  "updated_at": "2016-10-11T18:42:16.202Z",
  "closed_at": null,
  "taken_at": "2016-06-29T15:26:47.000Z",
  "work_start_at": "2016-07-03T09:00:00.000Z",
  "response_due_at": "2016-07-02T06:59:59.000Z",
  "remarks": "Re-mark this remark pls",
  "response_status": "not_available",
  "excavator": {
    "type": "Contractor",
    "name": "SHOVEL INC",
    "address": "12 OAK RD, NORCROSS, GA 31235",
    "phone": "9382 23092 33",
    "contact": {
      "name": "JACK POT",
      "phone": "7911927565 | Alternate: 89419284",
      "email": "JACKPOT@EXAMPLE.COM"
    "alt_contact": {
      "name": "Bill Ding",
      "phone": "4129 2142 1922"
    "caller": {
      "name": "Corey Ander",
      "phone": "0981 209 323",
      "email": ""
  "work": {
    "type": "replacing damaged handholes",
    "address": "Street Rd, Town, County, GA",
    "nearby_street": "Kings Way",
    "subdivision": "Central Park",
    "done_for": "CITY OF NEW YORK",
    "duration": "3 Days",
    "driving_directions": null,
    "locate_instructions": "locate the left quadrant.",
    "explosives": false,
    "white_painted": false,
    "deeper_than_16_inches": null,
    "overhead": false,
    "tunneling_or_boring": true,
    "area": {
      "type": "Polygon",
      "coordinates": [
  "assignee": {
    "id": 42,
    "name": "Al Dente"
  "custom_fields": [
      "id": 132,
      "type_id": 7,
      "name": "Site visit",
      "value": true
      "id": 95,
      "type_id": 6,
      "name": "Some date",
      "value": null
  "ticket_responses": [
      "id": 34,
      "service_area": "EXMPL01",
      "facility": null,
      "code": "1A",
      "comment": "",
      "status": "pending",
      "created_at": "2016-10-11T18:42:16.202Z",
      "updated_at": "2016-10-11T18:42:16.202Z",
      "responded_at": null,
      "respondent": {
        "id": 12492,
        "name": "Jack Pot"
  "call_center": {
    "id": 8493,
    "name": "Georgia 811"
  "lat": 48.992424,
  "lng": -82.49301288

Updating a Ticket

Thing Value
URL by Ticket ID /tickets/by_center/:call_center_id/by_number/:number
Method PATCH
Response Ticket or error list

Example parameters:

  "ticket": {
    "custom_fields": {
      "1": "1",
      "5": "7"

Example successful response:

  "id": 8915,
  "ticket_number": "06191-285-085",
  "reference_ticket_number": null,
  "version_number": 0,
  "sequence_number": 84,
  "ticket_type": "Normal",
  "ticket_action": "NEW",
  "ticket_source": null,
  "service_area": "EXMPL01",
  "additional_service_areas": ["EXMPL02", "FOR02", "ATL03"],
  "status": "assigned",
  "created_at": "2016-06-29T15:29:36.947Z",
  "updated_at": "2016-10-11T18:42:16.202Z",
  "closed_at": null,
  "taken_at": "2016-06-29T15:26:47.000Z",
  "work_start_at": "2016-07-03T09:00:00.000Z",
  "response_due_at": "2016-07-02T06:59:59.000Z",
  "remarks": "Re-mark this remark pls",
  "response_status": "not_available",
  "excavator": {
    "type": "Contractor",
    "name": "SHOVEL INC",
    "address": "12 OAK RD, NORCROSS, GA 31235",
    "phone": "9382 23092 33",
    "contact": {
      "name": "JACK POT",
      "phone": "7911927565 | Alternate: 89419284",
      "email": "JACKPOT@EXAMPLE.COM"
    "alt_contact": {
      "name": "Bill Ding",
      "phone": "4129 2142 1922"
    "caller": {
      "name": "Corey Ander",
      "phone": "0981 209 323",
      "email": ""
  "work": {
    "type": "replacing damaged handholes",
    "address": "Street Rd, Town, County, GA",
    "nearby_street": "Kings Way",
    "subdivision": "Central Park",
    "done_for": "CITY OF NEW YORK",
    "duration": "3 Days",
    "driving_directions": null,
    "locate_instructions": "locate the left quadrant.",
    "explosives": false,
    "white_painted": false,
    "deeper_than_16_inches": null,
    "overhead": false,
    "tunneling_or_boring": true,
    "area": {
      "type": "Polygon",
      "coordinates": [
  "assignee": {
    "id": 123,
    "name": "Al Dente"
  "custom_fields": [
      "id": 1,
      "type_id": 7,
      "name": "Site visit",
      "value": true
      "id": 5,
      "type_id": 6,
      "name": "Some date",
      "value": null
  "ticket_responses": [
      "id": 34,
      "service_area": "EXMPL01",
      "facility": "Water",
      "code": "1A",
      "comment": "",
      "status": "pending",
      "created_at": "2016-10-11T18:42:16.202Z",
      "updated_at": "2016-10-11T18:42:16.202Z",
      "responded_at": null,
      "respondent": {
        "id": 12492,
        "name": "Jack Pot"
  "call_center": {
    "id": 8493,
    "name": "Georgia 811"
  "lat": 48.992424,
  "lng": -82.49301288

Example unsuccessful response with validation errors:

  "errors": {
    "custom_fields[5]": ["is invalid"]

Closing a Ticket

Thing Value
URL by Ticket ID /tickets/by_center/:call_center_id/by_number/:number/close
Method PATCH
Response Ticket or error list

Example parameters (you can also omit these and call close without params):

  "ticket": {
    "custom_fields": {
      "1": "1",
      "5": "7"

Example successful response:

  "id": 8915,
  "ticket_number": "06191-285-085",
  "reference_ticket_number": null,
  "version_number": 0,
  "sequence_number": 84,
  "ticket_type": "Normal",
  "ticket_action": "NEW",
  "ticket_source": null,
  "service_area": "EXMPL01",
  "additional_service_areas": ["EXMPL02", "FOR02", "ATL03"],
  "status": "closed",
  "created_at": "2016-06-29T15:29:36.947Z",
  "updated_at": "2016-10-11T18:42:16.202Z",
  "closed_at": "2016-10-11T18:42:17.498Z",
  "taken_at": "2016-06-29T15:26:47.000Z",
  "work_start_at": "2016-07-03T09:00:00.000Z",
  "response_due_at": "2016-07-02T06:59:59.000Z",
  "remarks": "Re-mark this remark pls",
  "response_status": "not_available",
  "excavator": {
    "type": "Contractor",
    "name": "SHOVEL INC",
    "address": "12 OAK RD, NORCROSS, GA 31235",
    "phone": "9382 23092 33",
    "contact": {
      "name": "JACK POT",
      "phone": "7911927565 | Alternate: 89419284",
      "email": "JACKPOT@EXAMPLE.COM"
    "alt_contact": {
      "name": "Bill Ding",
      "phone": "4129 2142 1922"
    "caller": {
      "name": "Corey Ander",
      "phone": "0981 209 323",
      "email": ""
  "work": {
    "type": "replacing damaged handholes",
    "address": "Street Rd, Town, County, GA",
    "nearby_street": "Kings Way",
    "subdivision": "Central Park",
    "done_for": "CITY OF NEW YORK",
    "duration": "3 Days",
    "driving_directions": null,
    "locate_instructions": "locate the left quadrant.",
    "explosives": false,
    "white_painted": false,
    "deeper_than_16_inches": null,
    "overhead": false,
    "tunneling_or_boring": true,
    "area": {
      "type": "Polygon",
      "coordinates": [
  "assignee": {
    "id": 1,
    "name": "Al Dente"
  "custom_fields": [
      "id": 1,
      "type_id": 7,
      "name": "Site visit",
      "value": true
      "id": 5,
      "type_id": 6,
      "name": "Some date",
      "value": null
  "ticket_responses": [
      "id": 391,
      "service_area": "FOR01",
      "facility": "Water",
      "code": "1A",
      "comment": "Resolved",
      "status": "pending",
      "created_at": "2016-10-11T18:42:16.202Z",
      "updated_at": "2016-10-11T18:42:16.202Z",
      "responded_at": null,
      "respondent": {
        "id": 12492,
        "name": "Jack Pot"
  "call_center": {
    "id": 8493,
    "name": "Georgia 811"
  "lat": 48.992424,
  "lng": -82.49301288

Example unsuccessful response with validation errors:

  "errors": {
    "custom_fields[5]": ["is invalid"]

Reopen a Ticket

Thing Value
URL by Ticket ID /tickets/by_center/:call_center_id/by_number/:number/reopen
Method PATCH
Response Ticket or error list

Example successful response:

  "id": 8915,
  "ticket_number": "06191-285-085",
  "reference_ticket_number": null,
  "version_number": 0,
  "sequence_number": 84,
  "ticket_type": "Normal",
  "ticket_action": "NEW",
  "ticket_source": null,
  "service_area": "EXMPL01",
  "additional_service_areas": ["EXMPL02", "FOR02", "ATL03"],
  "status": "assigned",
  "created_at": "2016-06-29T15:29:36.947Z",
  "updated_at": "2016-10-11T18:42:16.202Z",
  "closed_at": null,
  "taken_at": "2016-06-29T15:26:47.000Z",
  "work_start_at": "2016-07-03T09:00:00.000Z",
  "response_due_at": "2016-07-02T06:59:59.000Z",
  "remarks": "Re-mark this remark pls",
  "response_status": "not_available",
  "excavator": {
    "type": "Contractor",
    "name": "SHOVEL INC",
    "address": "12 OAK RD, NORCROSS, GA 31235",
    "phone": "9382 23092 33",
    "contact": {
      "name": "JACK POT",
      "phone": "7911927565 | Alternate: 89419284",
      "email": "JACKPOT@EXAMPLE.COM"
    "alt_contact": {
      "name": "Bill Ding",
      "phone": "4129 2142 1922"
    "caller": {
      "name": "Corey Ander",
      "phone": "0981 209 323",
      "email": ""
  "work": {
    "type": "replacing damaged handholes",
    "address": "Street Rd, Town, County, GA",
    "nearby_street": "Kings Way",
    "subdivision": "Central Park",
    "done_for": "CITY OF NEW YORK",
    "duration": "3 Days",
    "driving_directions": null,
    "locate_instructions": "locate the left quadrant.",
    "explosives": false,
    "white_painted": false,
    "deeper_than_16_inches": null,
    "overhead": false,
    "tunneling_or_boring": true,
    "area": {
      "type": "Polygon",
      "coordinates": [
  "assignee": {
    "id": 1,
    "name": "Al Dente"
  "custom_fields": [
      "id": 1,
      "type_id": 7,
      "name": "Site visit",
      "value": true
      "id": 5,
      "type_id": 6,
      "name": "Some date",
      "value": null
  "ticket_responses": [
      "id": 34,
      "service_area": "EXMPL01",
      "facility": "Water",
      "code": "1A",
      "comment": "",
      "status": "pending",
      "created_at": "2016-10-11T18:42:16.202Z",
      "updated_at": "2016-10-11T18:42:16.202Z",
      "responded_at": null,
      "respondent": {
        "id": 12492,
        "name": "Jack Pot"
  "call_center": {
    "id": 8493,
    "name": "Georgia 811"
  "lat": 48.992424,
  "lng": -82.49301288

Ticket Responses

Adding and updating Ticket Responses

Thing Value
URL /tickets/by_center/:call_center_id/by_number/:number/ticket_responses
Method POST
Response 200:OK or 422:Unprocessable entity

Example parameters:

  "ticket_response": {
    "service_area": "FOR01",     // REQUIRED
    "code": "1A",                // REQUIRED
    "facility": "Water",         // REQUIRED ONLY WHEN the call center requires it (currently South Carolina and Texas)
    "comment": "Resolved"

Example response:

  "id": 39131,
  "service_area": "FOR01",
  "facility": "Water",
  "code": "1A",
  "comment": "Resolved",
  "status": "pending",
  "created_at": "2016-10-11T18:42:16.202Z",
  "updated_at": "2016-10-11T18:42:16.202Z",
  "responded_at": null,
  "respondent": {
    "id": 12492,
    "name": "Jack Pot"

Example unsuccessful response with validation errors:

  "errors": {
    "code": ["can't be blank"]

This method will create or update a response depending on if a response for the Service Area-Facility pair already exists or not.

It will also send responses (when responses changed) to the Call Center when it's enabled in the settings.

When the Ticket has all the required responses set and all codes are considered "completed", the Ticket will be auto-closed.

Setting/replacing all Ticket Responses

Thing Value
URL by Ticket ID /tickets/by_center/:call_center_id/by_number/:number/ticket_responses
Method PUT
Response 200:OK or 422:Unprocessable entity

Example parameters:

  "ticket_responses": [
      "service_area": "FOR01",     // REQUIRED
      "code": "1A",                // REQUIRED
      "facility": "Water",         // REQUIRED ONLY WHEN the call center requires it (currently South Carolina and Texas)
      "comment": "Resolved"
      "service_area": "FOR02",
      "code": "1B"

Example response:

    "id": 39131,
    "service_area": "FOR01",
    "facility": "Water",
    "code": "1A",
    "comment": "Resolved",
    "status": "pending",
    "created_at": "2016-10-11T18:42:16.202Z",
    "updated_at": "2016-10-11T18:42:16.202Z",
    "responded_at": null,
    "respondent": {
      "id": 12492,
      "name": "Jack Pot"
    "id": 39132,
    "service_area": "FOR02",
    "facility": null,
    "code": "1B",
    "comment": "",
    "status": "pending",
    "created_at": "2016-10-11T18:42:16.202Z",
    "updated_at": "2016-10-11T18:42:16.202Z",
    "responded_at": null,
    "respondent": {
      "id": 12492,
      "name": "Jack Pot"

Example unsuccessful response with validation errors:

  "errors": {
    "code": ["can't be blank"]

It will also send responses (when responses changed) to the Call Center when it's enabled in the settings.

When the Ticket has all the required responses set and all codes are considered "completed" (10, 20, 70, 90, 92, 94 and 98), the Ticket will be auto-closed.