

The Teams feature in BOSS811 is designed to facilitate collaboration and communication among members working on different projects. It allows users to create teams consisting of relevant members, such as supervisors, managers, or other stakeholders involved in the project.

Key Features

Ticket Highlighting: Managers or supervisors within the team can pin or highlight specific tickets within the BOSS811 system. This feature allows them to draw attention to important or urgent matters that require immediate action or coordination among team members.

Information Sharing: The Teams feature enables seamless sharing of information among team members.

Enhanced Management Oversight: The Teams feature also provides managers and supervisors with enhanced oversight and control over project activities.

Round-robin assignment: If this option is enabled and the "assigned to the team" routing rule action is selected, tickets will be assigned to members of that team in a round-robin fashion.

Define team business hours and holiday calendar: You can also define this so that all team members will be aware of that information.

Options available in Teams

  1. To view all the teams available, Navigate to Admin->User Management->Teams.
  2. Users with permission to Manage Teams can view all the documented teams.
  3. You can create a new team.
  4. You can edit / delete the teams.

    NOTE: You must have permission to Manage Teams.

  5. Options available to create the team.

    • Name: Name of the team
    • Manager/Supervisor: One can manage the team, and pin tickets for their team.
    • Call Centers: The call centers that the members could view.
    • Members: Members of the team.
    • Round robin assignment: If this option is enabled and the "assigned to the team" routing rule action is selected, tickets will be assigned to team members in a round-robin fashion.
    • Business Hours: The business hours of the team can be selected from the options available. A new one can also be created under Admin->Ticket Management->Business Hours.
    • Holiday calendar: Holiday calendar for the team, you can select from the options available. A new one can also be created under Admin->Ticket Management->Holiday Calendars.

How to create a new team?

NOTE: This can be done only by Admins.

  1. Navigate to Admin>Team tab.
  2. Click the New Team button.
  3. Fill in the details like Team name, Manager name, Supervisor name, Call Centers, Members, and other details. Click Save.
  4. You can view the teams created in the Admin>Teams tab. You can also edit or delete the team.