Work Area Color


The "Work Area Color" feature allows users to customize the color scheme of their work area within the application. This customization extends to the web interface as well as the associated mobile application. Users can select their preferred color from a provided color palette, thereby personalizing their work environment. The Work Area Color customization feature empowers users to modify the visual representation of their work environment by selecting preferred colors.

Key Features

Color Customization: Users have the ability to customize the appearance of their work area by selecting colors of their choice from a comprehensive color palette.

Synchronized Mobile Interface: The chosen color scheme reflects consistently across both desktop and mobile interfaces, ensuring visual coherence between the web and mobile applications.

Instructions to use Work Area Color

  1. Navigate to the Admin tab from your left menu. Select the General Settings tab under that.
  2. You can view the option Work Area Color. Click the color palette available in front of it. Select the color and Click Save.
  3. Click Save.