How to Define a new user

Look for an existing user that has the same or similar responsibilities. If an existing user has similar responsibilities and note the role assigned to this existing user. Review the permission settings for that role to see if it meets the needs of the new user. If that role does not cover the new user's responsibilities, define a new role and save the role.

Steps to Define a new user:

  1. Click on the Users icon

  2. Add a new user by clicking on the blue plus icon

  3. Enter the following user information.

    a. Enter the First Name and Last Name. Note: These fields are optional and used to personalize communications and notifications.

    b. Enter the email address for the new user. This will be the new user's login/account ID.

    c. Enter a phone number.(optional)

    d. Assign a Call Center to this new user.

    e. Assign a time zone to this user. This information is required. It is used for properly displaying the local date/time.

    f. Set the Active flag. Turn this on for this user to be displayed in drop-down lists and options.