Call Center Responses


We are pleased to introduce a new feature in BOSS811: Call Center Responses in Tickets. This enhancement was developed in response to customer requests for better visibility and tracking of communication between call centers and customers or call centers and your account. Here’s what you need to know about this new feature:

Introduction of Call Center Responses in Tickets

Centralized Communication: All responses from call centers are now consolidated and viewable directly within each ticket. This ensures that every piece of communication is easily accessible and organized.

Enhanced Transparency: When customers request updates about ticket status—whether they are concerned about success, failure, or any other updates—these communications will be recorded under the new Call Center Responses tab. This transparency ensures that all parties have access to the same information, reducing miscommunications and improving collaboration.

Efficient Tracking: By centralizing responses in one location, tracking the progress and history of a ticket becomes more efficient. Users no longer need to search through multiple communication channels to find relevant information.

Improved Accountability: Documenting all call center responses within tickets enhances accountability. It provides a clear record of who said what and when, which can be critical for resolving disputes and ensuring follow-through on tasks.

Benefits of Call Center Responses

Streamlined Workflow: By having all call center communications in one place, the workflow is streamlined, reducing the time and effort needed to manage tickets.

Better Decision Making: With all relevant information readily available, customers and call centers can make more informed decisions regarding ticket resolution.

Enhanced Collaboration: This feature fosters better collaboration between customers and call centers, ensuring that all parties are on the same page and can work together more effectively.

How to view Call Center Responses

  1. Navigate to the Tickets tab in the left side menu.
  2. From the list of tickets, select the ticket you wish to view. You can use search or filter options to find the specific ticket.
  3. Click the Call Center Responses tab to access the responses.
  4. Under the Call Center Responses tab, you will see a list of responses. Click the Show Response button next to the specific response you want to see in detail.